School of Physics at the Sun Yat-sen University, China, is now equipped with a C-Trap™ Optical Tweezers-Fluorescence Microscope.
This advanced instrument is believed to be able to boost up a variety of exciting researches in SYSU, such as DNA/RNA mechanics and protein-DNA or -RNA interactions during DNA replication, transcription, and repair that Prof. Ma’s lab currently focuses on. By pulling the tethered DNA-molecule using the optical tweezers, it is possible to investigate protein-DNA interactions at the single molecule level and monitor the DNA/RNA structure changes simultaneously.
We’re excited to see the results, and wishing the research groups at SYSU lots of success!
Would you like to know how the C-Trap™ can benefit your research? Discuss it with our application scientists at one of the conferences we are attending, or contact us for a demo or a quote.