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First Dynamic Single-Molecule Summer School in China!

DSM Summer School, Beijing 2019

Yet another premiere! LUMICKS organized the very first Dynamic Single-Molecule Summer School at Tsinghua University in Beijing. During the three-day event, nineteen participants received in-depth training in both the theory and practice of dynamic single-molecule (DSM) techniques.

Our application scientists dedicated the mornings for lectures on various topics involved in DSM research-topics, such as single-molecule force spectroscopy and single-molecule fluorescence. They also explained how to prepare samples and analyze the data for different biological applications.

In the afternoons, the participants had the opportunity to put the theory in practice during the hands-on sessions on the C-Trap® Optical Tweezers — Fluorescence Microscopy.

“Thank you for providing me with such a valuable opportunity to participate in the 1st LUMICKS Dynamic Single-Molecule Summer School […] The C-Trap hands-on session, practical teaching and experiments afforded me the best methods to understand how the technologies can be used in biological systems.”

Xiang Liu, 1st Dynamic Single-Molecule Summer School participant

The students could, after just some training, perform advanced single-molecule experiments on DNA mechanics, Cas9 off-target binding and protein (un)folding. During the experiments, the participants were introduced to the intuitive software suite Bluelake™, which enables the researchers to automate the experiment using an open-source interface.

To top off the event, guest lecturer Prof. Lu Ma from the Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences presented her work on the study of protein structures and protein-membrane interactions using single-molecule force spectroscopy.

We want to thank Prof. Ma and all the participants for making the first DSM Summer School a great success!

Did you know we organize DSM workshops all year round? Keep an eye on the workshop page, or the events page to find LUMICKS’ other events.

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