On April 9 to 11, a successful Single-molecule workshop took place in the lab of Prof. Bo Sun at the ShanghaiTech University, organized by LUMICKS.
During the practical hands-on workshop, the participants conducted state-of-the-art single-molecule experiments in the fields of DNA mechanics, repair, and molecular motors. They also had the chance to get a first-hand view of the potential of the C-Trap® technology on their own biological samples, covering other fields such as protein unfolding or DNA organization.
Additionally, the workshop included lectures from Prof. Bo Sun, during which he discussed his research on the function of the bacteriophage T7 replisome using single-molecule techniques and from Dr. Andrea Candelli (Application Scientist at LUMICKS) about the latest developments and applications of the C-Trap®.
We thank Prof. Bo Sun for hosting the workshop and his interesting lecture, and all the participants for joining us!
Interested in attending the next workshop? Apply now on our workshop page. To see which other events LUMICKS is attending, visit our events page.