2–5 April 2022
Visit LUMICKS at ExpBio
Discover below our solutions for revealing the molecular mechanisms of dynamic processes at ExpBio2022!

Dynamic single-molecule analysis for direct, indisputable proof of the molecular mechanisms
Meet the C-Trap®, the worlds' only dynamic single-molecule miscroscope. With the C-Trap you can observe dynamic processes as they happen and at the single-molecule level, and obtain direct evidence of the molecular mechanisms of a variety of different dynamic processes, such as DNA repair, protein folding, cellular signalling etc.
Scroll down to see an overview of our activities at the ExpBio meeting secure your seat in one our live C-Trap demos today!
Nobel Prize-winning technology that enables you – within the same experiment – to:
1) Directly visualize the dynamics of individual proteins in real-time.
2) Control and observe the stepwise assembly of the biological complex.
3) Modulate the molecular system to test the model under different conditions.
Talk: Unique insights in molecular mechanisms of action by directly visualizing DNA-binding proteins and biomolecular condensates
Join our talk at the EB Talks Stage
Sunday 3 April, 1:00 –1:20 P.M.
Visit booth #1605 for live C-Trap demos!
Drop by our booth, or secure your slot for a private demo here
Explore our poster presentations and meet our application scientists
Visit our posters on the study of DNA processes and biomolecular condences from sample preparation to data analysis.
Join one of our C-Trap demonstrations at booth #1605
Have you ever wondered how you can visualize real-time interactions between your protein and DNA, study their conformational changes, or manipulate your protein droplets? Would you like to see with your own eyes how to perform these types of experiments using C-Trap Optical Tweezers ― Fluorescence & Label-free Microscopy?
During the Experimental Biology meeting, we will be organizing live 20-minute demonstrations showing hands-on experiments. Each demo walks you through the full experimental workflow of a specific application. Secure your spot below:
Our next reveal and customer discoveries at the
LUMICKS exhibitor talk
Understanding the mechanism of action of biological processes requires connecting the structure of biomolecules such as proteins and DNA to their function. Without insights into the interplay of structure and function, it is impossible to understand diseases and discover potential cures at the most fundamental level. To obtain a true understanding of these molecular processes it is key to:
• directly observe the dynamic mechanism at play
• know how proteins assemble and work together, and
• be able to modulate the process.
Although established technologies have helped in clarifying either the structure of a molecular complex or its function, they are rarely able to directly connect them.
Here, we present a new technology that provides these key parts of information by visualizing and manipulating biological processes in real-time at the single-molecule level. We present several examples in which our technology enhances the understanding of DNA repair mechanisms, chromatin structure and stability, as well as DNA replication, biomolecular condensates, and DNA editing tools (e.g. CRISPR/Cas). Our technology complements current structural, biochemical, or cell biology methods and provides key insights to complete the molecular mechanisms models describing essential DNA-binding processes.
Watch the TalkMeet our application scientists and discover the applications at the
LUMICKS poster presentations
Abstract Title: A biochemistry platform to incorporate replication forks, DNA lesions, and nucleosome arrays into single-molecule experiments
Presenting Author: Jason Lin Poster Session Title: DNA polymerases, telomerase, replicases and replisomes I Day of presentation: Sunday, April 3, 2022 Poster Board Number: A9 Program Number: 483.9 Poster Manning Times: 12:45 PM – 2:00 PMAbstract Title: Unparalleled Approaches to Directly Visualize DNA-Binding Proteins and Biomolecular Condensates
Poster Session Title: DNA polymerases, telomerase, replicases and replisomes I Day of presentation: Sunday, April 3, 2022 Poster Board Number: A10 Program Number: 483.10 Poster Manning Times: 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM
Abstract Title: Simplified, open-source analysis of DNA-binding proteins
Presenting Author: Evan Gates Poster Session Title: Transcriptional mechanisms, regulation and RNA polymerases III Day of presentation: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 Poster Board Number: A26 Program Number: 786.10 Poster Manning Times: 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM