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Department of Biochemistry, University of CambridgePress releases

New Centre of Excellence in Dynamic Single-Molecule Analysis for Accelerated Drug Discovery in collaboration with AstraZeneca and the University of Cambridge

The center will be based around LUMICKS’ C-Trap® optical tweezers–fluorescence microscope, which for the first time enables real-time observation and probing of biomolecular interactions. The approach will be pioneered in several pharmacology and biology assays with the aim of accelerating the discovery of potential new drugs.
27 June 2018
G2 product line launchPress releases

LUMICKS launches new generation of dynamic single-molecule analysis instruments setting new standards for life-science research.

On February 17 we introduced our new generation of the C-Trap® optical tweezers-fluorescence microscope and AFS™ Acoustic Force Spectroscopy system at the 62ndAnnual Meeting of the Biophysical Society in San Francisco. The new generation represents an evolution of LUMICKS’ original instruments, which set the benchmark for high-resolution and high-throughput single-molecule…
16 February 2018
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