We are thrilled to announce the installation of a C-Trap® at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, in the lab of Dr. Katarzyna (Kasia) Tych. The installed C-Trap combines optical tweezers with 3-color fluorescence microscopy, which the team will use to investigate protein stabilities, molecular chaperoning, and conformational regulation.
They plan to use the C-Trap to evaluate protein folding and conformational changes. Single-molecule force spectroscopy will grant the team the ability to record complex structure–function dynamics of various processes, such as the opening and closing around a substrate. Their work continues to improve our understanding of molecular chaperoning and the guiding mechanisms of molecular motors.
Dr. Tych is a veteran C-Trap user, having previously used the instrument during her postdoc in the lab of Prof. Matthias Rief. She is confident that the C-Trap will be a valuable addition to her group:
The C-Trap, with its three-color fluorescence imaging, incredible force resolution and stability, microfluidics, temperature control, and user-friendly design, will be key in enabling us to push the boundaries of what is currently possible in the field of protein biophysics.
We wish Dr. Tych and her whole team the best with their ongoing research and are eagerly waiting for their upcoming results!